Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ice Cream Scandal

It is a very dangerous and sometimes lethal drug, as you know. But, what happens when it comes out of the hands of the junkies and the dealers and ends up in the unlikely hands of an ice cream delivery man. He sold it to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders in some city in I believe it was..... Texas? Anyway, the man who sold it is no longer driving the trucks, (Thank God) and HOPEFULLY no more kids will be subjected to this cruelty of Drug Abuse. Also, a registered Sex Offender..... YES A SEX OFFENDER was an Ice Cream truck driver. Many news stations reported on how the parents were concerned and all, but only a few commented on the parent who took matters into her own hands and decided to warn all the neighborhood parents.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very sad.